New release: Deepfall Dungeon

Deepfall Dungeon
Deepfall Dungeon is a free, 3D first person dungeon crawler that was apparently released back in November (but hey–it’s new to me).

Created by LOD Games, Deepfall Dungeon doesn’t waste time pretending to have a plot:

You have entered the dreaded Deepfall Dungeon and must find the exit! Along the way, you will fight monsters, find treasure, cast spells and build your character from a nobody to a legend! Will you make it out alive?

As far as I’m aware, that’s pretty much it. The developer claims that the game contains 20 levels and hundreds of items to collect, though I’m less certain about the monster variety on offer. Here’s a trailer to give you a sense of what you’re in for:

No surprises here: just a straightforward Dungeon Master clone, minus the whole “having a party” thing.

Deepfall Dungeon is free; go download it now for zero dollars. (Windows only.)

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