
Have news? Know of a good indie RPG that needs attention? Send us an email, or post about it on the forums.


Attention Developers! Please include the following in your email to us:

  • The name of the game.
  • A link to the game’s home page.
  • The game’s logo.
  • A link to screenshots or video (a trailer or gameplay video–not a Kickstarter pitch).
  • A 2-3 sentence description of the game’s plot premise (for example: “IndieRPGia was a land of peace, until the wicked sorcerer Zimeo stole the Guardianstone. Now a party of brave adventurers must journey into the depths of Zimeo’s labyrinth in the hope of recovering the stone and warding off 1,000 years of darkness!”)
  • A description of the game’s subgenre (action RPG, jRPG, etc.), basic mechanics (turn-based, party-based, etc.), and a short list of salient features.
  • What platforms the game is for (Windows, iPhone, etc.) and its price (if you know it yet).
  • The game’s release date. (If you don’t know the release date, just say when you’re tentatively planning to release it.)

If you want a first impressions video/write-up of your game, or you want to be interviewed, please mention that in your email as well and provide either a key or a link to a recent build of the game.


(Note: please make sure your game is of a type that we cover! only covers single-player, indie games of the following types: RPG, Zelda-alike, story-driven fantasy strategy, and Metroidvania-with-RPG-elements. Emails for games that don’t meet these criteria will be ignored.)