Lenna’s Inception announced
Word reaches me that there’s a new Zelda-alike in development with procedurally generated overworld and dungeons. This one is called Lenna’s Inception, and it’s being created by Tom Coxon (a.k.a. “bytten”).
Coxon says there isn’t an official narrative premise just yet, but that the planned plot will be along these lines:
Lenna teaches at a school until a huge monster bursts into her lesson and takes her students. Upon hearing of the beast, the townsfolk call it the return of the Archangels — and the end of the world. Only Lenna realizes this may not be the truth, and sets out to find the kidnapper herself.
As with any Zelda-alike, Coxon states that Lenna’s Inception “involves lots of action-driven combat, seeking out new items and upgrades, and solving simple puzzles.”
Here’s a trailer showing what it’s all about:
Lenna’s Inception is currently in alpha, and can be downloaded and played for free right here. Once it hits beta in mid-June, Coxon is going to start charging for the game. His plan is to release it at full price sometime near the end of the year for Windows, Mac and Linux.
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Reminds me a lot of Anodyne.