Hiro Fodder: A Blue Hope announced

Robert DellaFave writes in to announce a new jRPG project by the name of Hiro Fodder: A Blue Hope, in development by Divergent Games. Hiro Fodder is satirical, starring a furious Blue Slime out to avenge the indiscriminate slaughter of his people by a long succession of human adventurers. From the email:

A dramedy of sorts, Hiro Fodder tells the story of a solitary blue slime and his quest for revenge against stereotypical heroes who use his kind as a leveling device. Along the way Hiro parties with three other unlikely heroes including Murmet, a targeting dummy brought to life, Kaemon, mighty warrior of the Guins and Aixyno, a baby, female whelp.

There exists no website for the game yet, only a Facebook page. However, the game does have a trailer out already. Behold:

Hiro Fodder is currently running a Kickstarter campaign (DellaFave intends to eventually finish the game with his own money if the campaign doesn’t pan out–thus, this counts as a proper game announcement). Assuming the Kickstarter campaign goes well, they’re aiming for a Windows and Mac release in January 2013, with the possibility of XBLIG, iOS and Android ports.


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