New release: Elendia Ceus
The ever-prolific Aldorlea Games writes in to announce the release of Elendia Ceus, a new jRPG they’ve developed.
The premise:
What lies beneath the skies?
This is a question nobody in the cloud world of Elendia wants answered –nobody but one man, LaCaster, who lost his wife as she passed to the other side.
And because the prophecies say Elendia will collapse if a breach is made through to the other world, you have to stop LaCaster from trying to revive his wife. But he is a general of the Kingdom and you are only a pirate. He has the power and you are barely legal. In such impossible adversity, do you have what it takes to stop the imminent disaster from happening?
Well? Do you? Do you?!
Here are some of the game’s features, per the developer:
- Mouse control
- 3 modes of difficulty
- 20+ Hours of epic and rich gameplay
- Choose whether your characters are “astrology-aligned” for more depth and strategy
- 50+ secret rooms to discover (and even mega secret rooms!)
- 6 Relics, 8 Artifacts, 7 Legends, 4 Dragons etc.
- Colyseum with 3 Leagues for you to test your skills
There’s a free demo available here; you can nab the full game for $19.99. Windows only.
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First game of theirs to feature a hero with a tri-corner hat and an eyepatch, matey. Worth the doubloons for that alone, arrrr!
In Elendia Ceus can someone tell me where I could find the Water Dragon and the Nightmare Dragon as I am having difficulty finding them. Please send the information to my email above and thank you.