Aldorlea Games Halloween Contest
Aldorlea Games has announced a contest to win a free copy of their upcoming jRPG Millenium 3.
I thought of spicing up your waiting time for Millennium’s next chapter and give you all a chance to win a copy of the game in an Aldorlean version of Trick-or-treating. Ehehe!!!
The Treat is obvious – a free copy of MM3!
The Trick… well you’ll need to correctly answer a few questions. Every week I’ll post a batch of questions. For each correct answer you’ll score a point (if a question requires more than one answer it’ll be one point for each).
At the end of the contest the member with highest score will win a copy of the game.
In case of ex-aequo, the winner will be randomly drawn among those with the highest number of points.
The points you accumulate will also be added to your clan so even if you don’t win the game you may considerably boost your clan’s chances of winning the Trophy for Highest Points.
Check the thread for more details.
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