New release: E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
Streum on Studio announced today that E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, the studio’s first-person shooter/cyberpunk RPG built in the Source engine, has been released on Steam. The game looks pretty cool, despite a borderline-nonsensical plot summary:
After an unending war with the metastreumonic Force, the powerful organization Secreta Secretorum you belong to is finally ready to undermine the head-strong federation, despite an intense struggle for power.
All righty then. But wait! Look how pretty:
There’s a definite Deus Ex vibe going on here, though most of the E.Y.E.’s media have so far focused almost exclusively on the FPS aspect of the game. For my part, I’m curious to see just how much RPG this thing contains.
E.Y.E. costs $17.99 for the remainder of the week ($19.99 thereafter), so if you’re curious and you have the money to spare, drop by Steam, pick it up, and let me know what you thought of it.
EDIT: It appears that Jim Rossignol of RPS has had a chance to play E.Y.E. a bit and offer some thoughts on it. However, he states: “I’ve not really uncovered how deeply the RPG elements run just yet.” I remain curious.
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