Cardinal Quest 2 announced

Ruari O’Sullivan, one of the two developers who worked on the well-received graphical roguelike Cardinal Quest, writes in to announce a sequel. Cardinal Quest 2, like the original, is (and I quote)

a streamlined roguelike; a top-down 2D game with permadeath about fighting your way through varied procedurally-generated environments and eventually challenging the minotaur tyrant Asterion to free the land from his oppression.

Beyond that, O’Sullivan states that “Cardinal Quest 2 has a huge emphasis on customising and upgrading your character, with improved item variety and brand new talent trees for each class.” In addition to class-specific skill trees, CQ2 reportedly features a major interface overhaul and “a sense of plot and geography…with your adventure taking place across several distinct and procedurally-generated environments – each with their own unique flavour.”

A trailer for this game evidently came out last month; it should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect:

O’Sullivan reports that Cardinal Quest 2 is already mostly done–and I believe him, considering that there are already public demos available (Windows / Mac / Linux).

However, Cardinal Quest 2 currently has an Indiegogo funding campaign running with the goal of financing an expansion of the game from one chapter to three, overhauling the game’s graphics, producing a new soundtrack, and doing all sorts of extra refurbishing. As the developer puts it: “If the funding goal’s met on Indiegogo, I’ll be expanding the game to three chapters, commissioning new art and music, and generally making it kick all kinds of extra ass.” So there you go; if that sounds good to you, pitch in right here.

Cardinal Quest 2 will be seeing a Windows, Mac and Linux release in the first quarter of 2013 at an $8 price point.

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