New release: Kilgazar

Adam Biser of Fascimania writes in to announce the release of Kilgazar, a graphical roguelike he’s released through Desura.

The premise:

Kilgazar’s army has captured your village! It’s time to take matters into your own hands!

Battle your way through hordes of enemies. Learn and use powerful magic spells. Infiltrate the fortress to pass through the gateway to the dark underworld.

Can you to defeat the demon lord, Kilgazar, and free the land from his grasp?

The game features a choice of three classes (warrior, wizard or rogue), has 24 different monster types, and features 4 level bosses with their own special abilities.

Kilgazar is currently available for Windows and Linux for $4.99; a Mac OSX version is planned for release soon out now as well. There is also a free demo available.

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  • erdraug says:

    Am i allowed to say the visuals remind me of HeroQuest?

  • erdraug says:

    On sale this weekend @ apparently.

  • erdraug says:

    And now it’s in a Groupees bundle. Still can’t find a review. How is that even possible – nowadays EVERYTHING gets reviewed. After a bit of searching, apparently it was also featured in at least on other bundle. And still nothing except some (mirror) oneliners in ModDB and Desura. There’s not even a relevant post on roguetemple, reddit or google groups! This game is certainly elusive. For good or for worse, still impossible to say.

  • Adam Biser says:

    erdraug, Kilgazar has only been in the Groupees Community Bundle 2. I wanted to include it in the bundle as an attempt to get the word out more. It has been difficult for me to find someone to review the game because it seems to be a bit of a niche genre.

    Yes, it is based upon board game RPGs like HeroQuest, so your first comment is spot on.

    There is a one-level, one-class demo on Desura and at if you’d like to give it a try yourself though.

    Thanks for your interest in the game.


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