New release: Heroes of Loot

Heroes of Loot
Pascal Bestebroer of Orange Pixel writes in to with news that his action roguelike-like Heroes of Loot (previously covered here) has been released.

There isn’t much of a plot to speak of–here’s the game’s premise, straight from the developer and complete with winky emoticons:

Think classical Gauntlet on steroids and brought into the now. It’s fast, it’s chaotic, it’s action packed and it removes all the boring stuff that rogue-like’s sometimes have too much of in my opinion 😉

The game grows and changes as you progress as a player (made visible with the dungeon-difficulty meter displayed in the games interface)  so make sure to play a lot before diving into your review, because chances are you haven’t seen every challenge or mystery this game has to offer 😉

In essence, it’s Gauntlet with more RPG elements and procedurally generated levels. The trailer gives a pretty good overview of it:

The game is now out for Windows, Mac, and Linux, ($5.00); Android and iOS ($1.99); and OUYA ($2.99). Pascal states that he’ll be porting the game to Gamestick and Vita as well at a later date. You can snag a demo for Windows, Mac or Linux here.

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