Checks Out Eschalon Book III

Hey guys! Did you know that after years of development, Basilisk Games is releasing the third and final chapter (er, sorry, “Book”) in the Eschalon series? It’s true! What’s more, they gave me a build to check out for the website! So when Book III hits in four short days, you will know exactly what you’re in for. Without further ado, I present to you Eschalon: Book III:

So, you’re probably wondering: what’d I think?

Based on what I saw, Book III is basically just like Book II, but a bit more accessible. Which is to say, it has beautiful art, great sound design, a slick engine, a multiplicity of character creation choices–but it also has an intro section that does more to ease you into things before letting you loose in the world, which I found helpful. It also seemed to me that early combats were easier (though that maaaaay have just been a consequence of me having figured out how to actually play the game properly after hours of trial and error in Book II).

I know I kinda made fun of Eschalon Book II a bit when I reviewed itthree and a half years ago?! Holy crap!!! I’m so…old…

…anyway. I know I kinda poked a little fun at it, but the truth is, the Eschalon series is a good bet if you’re in the market for a new, really nice, polished, fantasy wRPG in the turn-based, isometric mold. Its competitors in that area include Spiderweb Software and…well, that’s basically it. Especially if you’re looking for a game of that sort where you control a single character instead of a party. For that sort of experience, Eschalon is the only game in town. Literally. (Unless you head on over to or something.)

So! Would I recommend this? Based on my time playing: heck yes. If you watched and found yourself thinking “Man, I wish I was playing. I wouldn’t name my character freakin’ Ke$ha!” then you owe it to yourself to make that happen! (Playing, I mean: not naming your character Ke$ha.) Anyway, check back–we’ll have the link up to where you can buy it in just four short days!

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  • Gilgamesh says:

    I really need to sit down with this series one day. Fiddled around in the first one a bit, but never got around to finishing it. Hopefully some time this year I’ll find the time to buckle down and put a dent in this series.

  • BarryB says:

    … in the market for a new, really nice, polished, fantasy wRPG in the turn-based, isometric mold. Its competitors in that area include Spiderweb Software and…well, that’s basically it.

    Does Dungeons of Dredmor count? I know, it’s not really plot driven, etc.

    What bugged me about Eschalon II was the terrible balance that persisted in the game at so many levels. I’m curious if you’ll be doing a full review.

  • Jay Barnson says:

    Man, can’t wait to get my hands on it myself. Well, okay, I guess I can, as I have a pile of new RPGs I need to go through right now… but this one is high on my list.

  • Rya.Reisender says:

    I personally prefer playing with a party, that’s why I prefer Spiderweb games over this one. But I might get it eventually.

  • […] sure they can make it happen with the third installment as well. However, as we discovered during that last episode, there are definitely some plot spoilers in the intro cinematic; if you’re someone who is […]


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