Back to back: indie RPGs to fund

Back to Back is back once more, as we take a lil’ peek at how the world of indie RPG crowdfunding is getting on. Of the games we looked at last time, InSomnia, Midora and TimeSpinner were successful; FranknJohn and The Legend of Sonia fell short.

So what’s new?

We again have a very limited roster this time around, with the vast majority of the RPGs currently on Kickstarter being of the “MMO” variety. Here are the ones suitable for single player play:

  • After Reset – you might remember this post-apocalyptic wRPG from December, a victim of the Great Christmastime Crowdfunding Massacre of 2013. However, using some sort of sci-fi technology (nanobots, no doubt!), After Reset has–well, reset. It has already far surpassed its much-more-manageable $35,000 goal with 26 days left to go.
  • Braven Arts – a 2D jRPG with some very cool-looking Suikoden-style mechanics and terrain tiles in combat. Excitingly, the game is not made in RPG Maker, and has 100% original high quality pixel art. This one has 26 days to raise about $19,000 to hit its goal.
  • FitRPG – billed as “gamifying fitness,” FitRPG aims to turn data from your exercise routines into experience points and “steps” that you can use to move around the world. The game is apparently already available for smart phones in text-only form, and they’re raising money to turn it into a proper graphical experience. FitRPG has 15 days to raise about $24,500.
  • Legena: Union Tides – a 2D jRPG with an unusually meta premise, previously posted about here. Despite what the name suggests, this is not an RPG about the world’s bodies of water attempting to unionize against the moon. Legena has 4 days to raise roughly $7,300, the remainder of its £5,000 goal.
  • Soul Sword RPG – a “Christian Wholesome RPG” in RPG Maker about…well…I’ll just quote the first two sentences that appear on the game’s Kickstarter page, because I’m sure any summary I provided would not do it justice: “‘Put on the whole armor of God’ Soul Sword RPG is a Christian based rpg game from Ephesians 6. 18 year old Jack Rionhart a babe in Christ is called by Jehova to be the Spirit Leader…” Need I go on? The developer is looking to raise $1,000 in the next 11 days.

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  • Alyric says:

    After Reset sounds interesting, but the English on the Kickstarter page feels a bit… halting, with occasional misspellings. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I’m not sure whether I’ll be backing it.

    I will say that while reading their Kickstarter page included an extremely… surreal moment. Apparently the project founder is named Richard Nixon? If that’s legit, I’d have changed my name, just to avoid the inevitable skepticism… I’d at least have billed myself as ‘Rick’.

    (Under Team on the page: “Besides the wealth of business experience that I, Richard Nixon, bring to the table,”)

    “I am not a crook” immediately leaped into my head, heh.

    • Alyric says:

      Whoops, didn’t backspace one of my sentences far enough. I guess that’s what I get for rethinking how I’m going to say something six times.

      Should have read: “I will say that reading their Kickstarter page(…)”

  • Dave says:

    Craig, there’s one more ongoing SRPG campaign I just learned about:

    Anyway, I’m going to back Braven Arts, it sounds pretty promising.

    @Alyric: Yeah, his name is really Richard Nixon. After Reset sounds potentially good, but I’m skeptical of the whole “fund the prologue and release the game on early access to fund the rest” approach. Initially they said they needed at least $900K to make the complete game, so I don’t know how much they could accomplish with less than $100K.

  • […] has been less than a week since our last Back to Back, but so many new campaigns started right after that last post that I feel I would be remiss not to […]


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