Partia 2: The Pretenders War

Partia 2
Nearly two years ago, the mobile sRPG Partia: The Broken Lineage broke onto the app store. Word has it that Team Imago has now released a sequel by the name of Partia 2: The Pretenders War.

The premise: I haven’t a clue, frankly. The developers don’t provide one. The title seems to suggest a war brought on by an illegitimate heir seizing the throne, but beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. The one thing I do know is that the Partia series consists of turn-based tactical RPGs very, very close to Fire Emblem in style and mechanics.

Partia 2 reportedly features 22 stages, as well as a bevy of new features: nicer character portraits, support for factions (an allied army, and up to two enemy armies that can ally with one another), an optional “common turn” mode (where the players alternate moving their characters a la chess), improved AI, and support for movement after attacking for mounted units a la the more recent Fire Emblems.

The fact that the sequel has come out at all is a bit of a small miracle, given that the first game lost money over its 4-year development cycle. Perhaps this one will do better for Team Imago.

Partia 2 is available for Android on Google Play at a $6.00 price point; it will be out for iOS as well whenever it gets through the Apple review process.

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  • jackal27 says:

    Hooray! My brother and I really enjoyed the first game while we waited for Fire Emblem Awakening to release! I really hope this has controller support so that I can play it on my Nvidia Shield.

  • Rya.Reisender says:

    While I personally still can’t play handheld games because of health problems I get when doing so, I know some people who will be really happy about this. 🙂

    Wish there were more SRPGs like this for a console or at least for PC.


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