New release: Witch Hunt

I’m actually a few months late with this one, but hey: it’s new to me! Turns out, Aldorlea Games released another jRPG back in October, mere months after the release of their previous title. This one is a witch-themed jRPG called–you guessed it–Witch Hunt.

The premise:

Welcome to Ravenshire, the land of curses, tricks and undead spirits.  The Devil Witch, a feared scaremonger, has put everybody tightly shut in the warm comfort of their homes, while outside rain doesn’t seem like it will ever stop.

You are Cybel, a witch of noble descent, and you know the Devil Witch is just another tale to keep people in check. But one day, as you’re meeting your boyfriend in the streets of your hometown, the impossible happens, as he is turned into a clucking chicken – one of the Devil Witch’s signature curses.  Could she be real? Do you have what it takes to go after her and reverse the curse on your boyfriend? Do you have the courage to face down terror and evil? Can you deal with all that the Devil Witch can throw at you? Enter a unique, amazing adventure and find out!

Well, there you have it: the classic battle of boyfriend-loving noble witch versus boyfriend-cursing devil witch. Aldorlea promises 25 hours of gameplay, plus the following features:

  • Play up to 9 characters in a unique, enthralling atmosphere
  • Great production values and innovative skills upgrading with levels
  • Mouse control & Auto-Saving
  • 4 modes of difficulty & New Game+
  • 46 legendary creatures to hunt down
  • 16 Relics to discover and 10 Sidequests to complete
  • Aldorlea’s vintage style (The Book of Legends, Laxius Force)

Witch Hunt is $19.99 direct from the developer, with a free demo available. Windows only.

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1 Comment »

  • BarryB says:

    Am I the only person who feels that every Aldorlea game seems to be a repository of RPGMaker cliches, endlessly recycled? Clearly some people do enjoy them, enough to fund Aldorlea–but still.


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