New release: Dungeons of Legend: Underwell
The premise:
You play as a lone wanderer. Captured, robbed and cast into the Underwell Abyss, you are left for dead. But in the depth of the abyss is a dungeon crafted to test the very limits of your wits and bravery. Designed by a twisted mind, this lair looks promising but very dangerous. The warnings tell you to turn back, but that way is closed now… besides, you were never one to shirk from a challenge!
As the “lone wanderer” bit might suggest, this one’s in the mold of Dungeon Master. Here’s the feature list:
-Exploration: Each floor of this Dungeon is full of secrets, each more rewarding than the next!
-Puzzles, Riddles and mysteries: Your attentiveness and logic will be tested and duly rewarded!
-Monsters: The dungeon’s inhabitants don’t take too kindly to strangers!
-Loot: The right equipment and items will get you very far indeed!
-A mix of classic pixelated graphics and 3D environments
Dungeons of Legend: Underwell can be downloaded for zero dollars from Google Play, though I understand that it’s content-limited in some respect; $2 unlocks the full game. Android only.
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It’s not free: you have to pay to reach the 2nd floor.
And the 1st floor is as boring as hell…
Ah! The price was not disclosed to me. How much is it? Let me know, and I’ll update the article!
Ah, my bad. It was a Google Play popup at the end of the 1st floor, but you can close it and continue.
The price to unlock the full game is 2$ (or 2.29€).
It is the most beautiful dungeon crawling game on Android I have ever seen. Even my non gamer sister is exited about it. Please finish the game. At this stage I feel it’s a crime to charge to play just a demo. It’s just four levels. But I do believe my purchase will be just and worried it once the game is done.
I played through twice after purchace
Ok honestly? Nothing? Perhaps something like thank you for playing my game and being my first customer. Or perhaps thank you for rating my game full five stars. But nothing? You can atleast just say hi valued customer. We are working on expanding the game. The eta is ……. Or here have a special reward. Cmon man i loved your game. Gave it a high rating. Just say something.