Posted in July 2, 2015 ¬ 1:35 pmh.Craig Stern
Word has it that Legends of Eisenwald, a strategy RPG in the same general oeuvre as the King’s Bounty series, has now been released into the world. Developed by Belarusian indie studio Aterdux Entertainment, Legends of Eisenwald has you recruit soldiers, collect gold, garrison castles, and go on adventures that involve frequent, small-scale, turn-based fights […]
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Posted in May 14, 2015 ¬ 3:39 pmh.Craig Stern
Alexander Dergay of Aterdux Entertainment writes in to announce that Legends of Eisenwald will be getting a final release on July 2, 2015. There’s a new trailer to accompany the announcement: Legends of Eisenwald is currently in Early Access on Steam for $19.99. The developers also provide a purchase link to The Humble Store, where […]
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Posted in February 14, 2013 ¬ 9:21 amh.Craig Stern
Ever since checking out the early beta of Legends of Eisenwald last month, I’ve wanted to compare and contrast it with Aterdux Entertainment’s earlier title Discord Times (which sounds like a newspaper, but is decidedly a video game). Legends of Eisenwald is basically an unofficial sequel to Discord Times, so I figured it’d be interesting […]
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Posted in January 16, 2013 ¬ 9:43 amh.Craig Stern
Last Spring, you may recall me having posted about Legends of Eisenwald, a King’s Bounty-style RPG by Aterdux Entertainment with castles, garrisons and turn-based tactical battles. LoE was more than 2 years into development at that time, and was well on its way to raising what would turn out to be more than $83,000 on […]
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Posted in April 30, 2012 ¬ 7:17 amh.Craig Stern
Aterdux Entertainment, an indie development studio based in Belarus, announced a new game last week by the name of Legends of Eisenwald. They describe it as a spiritual successor to the original King’s Bounty (and much more direct successor to their earlier title Discord Times). LoE features “an original mix of RPG and strategy, with […]
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