Posts Tagged ‘Balcony Team’ Checks Out Balrum

Hey guys! You might have noticed that I managed to record and upload a couple of new episodes of Checks Out over the weekend! First up was Balrum–you can see the first 50 minutes or so below: So, what’d I think?

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New release: Balrum

The Balcony Softworks team has just written in to announce the release of Balrum. Previously covered here last January, Balrum is a 2D, isometric, open-world wRPG with farming and survival mechanics. Here’s the new narrative premise: It’s twenty years after your village fled the kingdom and took refuge in Darkwood. You always knew that these […]

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Balrum announced

Word reaches me that there’s an isometric 2D wRPG called Balrum in development–not only in development, in fact, but late in development. The premise: “A maverick ballroom dancer risks his career by performing an unusual routine and sets out to succeed with a new partner.” Oh, wait…that’s the premise of the 1992 Australian comedy Strictly […]

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