7-Day Roguelike Challenge to begin tomorrow
Ah, sigh. I love so much of what roguelikes represent, and yet I remain a neophyte in the actual roguelike community. This, for instance. How did I not know about the 7-Day Roguelike Challenge? But wait–maybe you don’t know about the 7-Day Roguelike Challenge either! Let’s learn together:
A Seven-Day Roguelike (7DRL) is a roguelike created in seven days. That is, the author stopped writing code 168 hours after they started writing code. A 7DRL can be created at any time during the year. However, general agreement was reached that it would be fun to schedule a specific week for a 7DRL Challenge.
Last year’s challenge began on Saturday, March 10th and ended Sunday, March 18th; this year’s begins tomorrow, on March 9th, and ends on the 17th.
I’m almost tempted to join myself, but due to the confluence of forces beyond my control, there’s absolutely no way I’ll have the time. That shouldn’t stop you, though!
Last year’s 7DRL Challenge produced several dozen finished entries; hit the jump for a list of games with links!
Here they are:
- 2149RL by Adam Piskel
- AppRogue by vwood
- Ascension of the Drillworms by Sebastian Steinhauer
- Ascent Into the Depths of Beyond by Jaldhar
- AsylumRL by scootah
- Beyond the Light (formerly Daybreak) by Joe M
- Bone Builder by Goblinz (TE4 mod)
- Cave Chop by Martin Read
- Cogmind by Josh Ge
- Dark Valhalla by Legend
- Das Schurke Boot by John Maag
- Dead Night Forest Chapter 2: The Lost Caravan by Edwin DeNicholas
- Drakefire Chasm by Tanthie
- DuneRL by Draconis
- Emet by jab
- Equal in Death (blood-arbiter) by yufra (TE4 mod)
- Escape from the Vault by eggmceye
- Fictional Roguelike by Tritax
- Fragile Wrath by Konstantin Stupnik
- Fuel (formerly Space Miner) by Ido Yehieli
- GatewayRL by kipar
- Hellmouth by Eronarn
- Hope by slashie
- HunterRL by Mosenzov
- HyperRogue II by Z
- I rule, you rule, we all rule old-school Hyrule by Trystan Spangler
- Infiniverse by Tapio
- JaggedRL by Michael Curran
- Jelly by sheep
- Kaiju Roguelike by Jason Pickering
- Kitchen Masters by Sammage
- Life of Sir Pointsalot by Geeze
- LinLem’s Vague Adventure Roguelike by Mike “LinLem” W
- Locks by zurn
- Me Against the Mutants by Team Rat King
- Mont Asall by OceansDream
- Mujahid by pat
- Mutant Aliens by srd
- Nightfall by numeron
- phage by Pawel Kowalczyk (TE4 mod)
- Porta Lucis by Chris Whitman
- Professional Sword Tester the Roguelike by Oohara Yuuma
- Revenge on a Toy Factory by Derrick Creamer
- Roadlike by Sos Sowoski
- RoboCaptain by heroicfisticuffs
- Ruins of Kal Raman by tndwolf
- Shadow Rogue by Orkus Malorkus
- Smooth Rogue by peous
- Steel Knights by psy_womvats
- Swamp Monster by Craig Turner
- Sword in Hand by Jeff Lait
- The Adventurer’s Guild by nolithius
- The Challenge! by XLambda
- The Death of Juga t’Dy (formerly TurnRL) by ivanah
- The Well of Enchantments by IBOL
- Top Dog by kbmonkey
- TrapRL by RedMike
- Turambar by Legend of Angband
- Waaghammer by corremn
- Warden by magikmw
- Wyrm by deej
- Zaga-33 by Michael “Brog” Brough
One of these days, I’d like to run down this list and play a few, maybe even do an IndieRPGs.com Checks Out episode or two. In the meantime, why not check them out for yourself?
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I find it very impressive the guys that can finish in 7 days, but many don’t finish but still continue and make great games.
I remember two from last year: Zaga-33 and JaggedRL
Zaga-33 as a comercial version now, its a puzzlelike roguelike LOL
JaggedRL is a squad based.
From years back 100 rogues was a very good one and can be played on the iOS.
But Infiniverse has always impressed me, not finished, its almost infinitive, you enter galaxies, solar systems, planets. http://dev.infiniverse-game.com/alpha/
Yuuusss! I was wondering when this was. I always look forward to this. Seems like indie RPGs have been on a roll lately! Did you see the Shadowrun Returns gameplay video that came out today!? Pretty awesome!
Shadowrun Return is very impressive and for a Alpha
Steel Knights – by PsyWombats and Enker! lol
Very nice article of the best roguelikes out there http://indiestatik.com/2013/03/08/roguelike-primer/