7-Day Roguelike Challenge to begin tomorrow

Ah, sigh. I love so much of what roguelikes represent, and yet I remain a neophyte in the actual roguelike community. This, for instance. How did I not know about the 7-Day Roguelike Challenge? But wait–maybe you don’t know about the 7-Day Roguelike Challenge either! Let’s learn together:

A Seven-​​Day Rogue­like (7DRL) is a rogue­like cre­ated in seven days. That is, the author stopped writ­ing code 168 hours after they started writ­ing code. A 7DRL can be cre­ated at any time dur­ing the year. How­ever, gen­eral agree­ment was reached that it would be fun to sched­ule a spe­cific week for a 7DRL Chal­lenge.

Last year’s challenge began on Sat­ur­day, March 10th and ended Sun­day, March 18th; this year’s begins tomorrow, on March 9th, and ends on the 17th.

I’m almost tempted to join myself, but due to the confluence of forces beyond my control, there’s absolutely no way I’ll have the time. That shouldn’t stop you, though!

Last year’s 7DRL Challenge produced several dozen finished entries; hit the jump for a list of games with links!

Here they are:

One of these days, I’d like to run down this list and play a few, maybe even do an IndieRPGs.com Checks Out episode or two. In the meantime, why not check them out for yourself?

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