Archive for the ‘indie RPG news’ Category

Dungeon Rats announced

Word reaches me that Iron Tower Studio, creators of The Age of Decadence (covered previously here), are working on a turn-based, party-based dungeon crawler set in the Age of Decadence universe called Dungeon Rats. Here’s the premise: Your adventure starts in the dusty shadows of a prison mine many leagues from any trading post or […]

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New release: Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire

Word reaches me that Australian indie studio Whalehammer Games has at least released its strategy RPG fantasy strategy game Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire. The game is “set on a world fallen into a medieval dark age after the collapse of a spacefaring civilization”: You must guide Tahira, the 20-year-old princess of Avestan, on the most […]

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New release: Halcyon 6

Ken Seto from Canadian indie developer Massive Damage, Inc. writes in to announce the release of Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander, which they describe as a sci-fi RPG which blends base-building and exploration at both the starship and away-team levels. Here’s the premise: [A]n unknown alien force is carving a path of destruction towards Earth and […]

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New release: Zombasite

Earlier this week, Soldak Entertainment announced that fantasy zombie-apocalypse action RPG Zombasite has finally been released. Think “Diablo” with a dynamic, changing fantasy world set during a zombie apocalypse scenario. The narrative premise is rather wordy, so here is my edited-down version: The dark elves have always played god by creating and enhancing underworld slave […]

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Avadon 3 announced, gets release date

  Word reaches me that Jeff Vogel’s Avadon wRPG series is nearing completion, with the third and final chapter–Avadon 3: The Warborn–to release on September 14, 2016, nearly 3 years after the release of its predecessor. Here’s the premise: You are a Hand of Avadon, the Black Fortress. You are a warrior and spy, judge […]

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New release: Bludgeons & Krakens

Zaid Walter of Cannibal Cat Software writes in to announce the release of Bludgeons & Krakens, which he describes as a turn-based RPG inspired by Ultima with simple, fast-paced combat and loot. The premise: Welcome to Abraxas! Unfortunately, you’ve arrived at just about the worst time imaginable. As a novice sellsword just looking for a […]

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New release: Cellpop Goes Out At Night

Remember The Real Texas? Of course you do! Well developer Calvin French of Kitty Lambda Games has written in to announce that he’s released a “mini-sequel” to The Real Texas. The name? Cellpop Goes Out At Night. Here’s the premise: Cellpop is a small floating-eye-like alien girl who lives at a shopping mall, Kad, out […]

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New release: Temple of the Abyssal Winds

Geoff Dunbar of Merry Prankster Games writes in to announce that Temple of the Abyssal Winds (previously covered here) has been completed, with all 6 chapters now available for download. In case you’ve forgotten, Temple of the Abyssal Winds is a party based wRPG with an isometric view and real-time with pause combat. The narrative premise […]

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Pathway announced

German indie team Robotality, creator of sci-fi tactics RPG Halfway (covered here), has announced development of a new tactical RPG set in a pulp 1930s setting. The name? Pathway. Given the trend, I can only assume that their next game is going to be called “Graphway,” about a war between graphic design professionals; or “Laughway,” […]

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New release: Ara Fell

Stephen Anthony of Stegosoft Games, writes in to inform me that the once-abandoned freeware jRPG Ara Fell has been released in improved, commercial form. Here’s the game’s narrative premise: Long, long ago, the elven sorcerers cast a spell to save the floating world of Ara Fell from destruction. Instead, they doomed it to fall from […]

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