Posted in September 8, 2011 ¬ 9:06 amh.Craig Stern
Michael Omer of LoadinGames writes to me with word of a new browser-based, first-person RPG called Misfortune. The creators summarize the game thusly: Misfortune is a single player online RPG, in which you find yourself lost in a strange city. The story unfolds slowly through a series of short unique missions and strange events. Two […]
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Posted in August 30, 2011 ¬ 3:32 pmh.Craig Stern
Word has reached my ear that well-received action RPG Bastion has been released on Steam for Windows. And yeah, sure, I’m a little late with this one (somehow it passed under my radar), but look at it this way: the game has been patched repeatedly since its release, meaning that you’re going to have a […]
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Posted in August 15, 2011 ¬ 1:50 pmh.Craig Stern
Aldorlea Games writes in to announce the release of Millennium 4: Beyond Sunset (so…nighttime, yes?), the latest RPG Maker jRPG in the Millennium series. Aldorlea Games describes the game like so: Marine and her friends have six days to find the four remaining warriors and make it to the showdown! With such tight schedule and […]
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Posted in August 15, 2011 ¬ 1:30 pmh.Craig Stern
Omorote Hideoshi writes to tell us of the release of Lost Hero, a free RPG that runs in-browser. The game appears to use HTML, as most actions are followed by a pause where images load onscreen. From what I can tell, this game is rigidly linear, at least to start. Additionally, all of the game’s […]
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Posted in July 29, 2011 ¬ 1:54 pmh.Craig Stern
Streum on Studio announced today that E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, the studio’s first-person shooter/cyberpunk RPG built in the Source engine, has been released on Steam. The game looks pretty cool, despite a borderline-nonsensical plot summary: After an unending war with the metastreumonic Force, the powerful organization Secreta Secretorum you belong to is finally ready to undermine […]
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Posted in July 20, 2011 ¬ 9:02 amh.Craig Stern
I received an email a couple of weeks ago about a new “Choice Of” game release, Choice of Intrigues. It begins: Dear Craig, Have you ever wished to be the heroine of a romance novel? Think you could have run Anne Boleyn’s life better than she did? Want to walk a mile in Princess Kate’s […]
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Posted in July 15, 2011 ¬ 10:56 amh.Craig Stern
It’s that time of the month! …no, not that time of the month, you horrible, horrible people. No, it’s time for another monthly Indie News Roundup, courtesy of Jay Barnson of Rampant Games! You can read the whole thing right here. The gist: Age of Decadence will be getting a demo release sometime in November […]
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Posted in July 13, 2011 ¬ 12:08 pmh.Craig Stern
Word has it that Gaslamp Games‘s comedic roguelike Dungeons of Dredmor has just hit Steam at a $5 price point. You can nab it here. NOTE: As of the time of this writing, Steam is discounting the game 10%, so it’s actually $4.49 a copy. DOUBLE NOTE: According to Gaslamps’s Twitter, DoD is presently the […]
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Posted in July 3, 2011 ¬ 7:03 amh.Craig Stern
Roguelikes seem to be on the rise these days, with yet another release joining their ranks. This time, however, it’s a game for Mac called 100 Rogues. Created jointly by developers Dinofarm Games and I’m-not-quite-sure-what-they-are Fusion Reactions, 100 Rogues is a Mac exclusive, so Apple fans should be all over this like worms. In an […]
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Posted in June 21, 2011 ¬ 1:45 pmh.Craig Stern
I make it a point not to post news items about every minor update that enters my Inbox, instead focusing on reviews, interviews and new releases. But every once in a while, some brave soul (typically, one named “Jay Barnson”) takes the time to amalgamate all of those tiny little updates into a giant wad […]
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