Posts Tagged ‘side-scroller’

New release: The Tenth Line

Elliot Mahan of Sungazer Software writes in to announce that platformer/jRPG hybrid The Tenth Line (previously covered here) is now out for PC! The premise, in case you need a refresher: Guide the princess of Easania and her unusual but reliable companions through a world of magic, beasts, and dragons while avoiding the clutches of […]

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New release: The Legacy of Isaelius

Jack Lambermont writes in to announce the release of his new action RPG inspired by Zelda II. Its name? The Legacy of Isaelius. The premise is pretty damned straightforward: Take control of Dimitri, and seek revenge for the murder of your best bud, Isaelius. Lambermont writes that The Legacy of Isaelius features towns, sidescrolling platforming […]

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New release: Dex

RPG news has been a bit slow lately, or so it has seemed–I keep digging down into my inbox and deleting dozens of emails from PR flacks about games that aren’t even arguably RPGs, then getting frustrated and running off to do something else. But wait, what’s this? Imagine my delight to find out that […]

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New release: Elliot Quest

The past few months have been tough–I’ve had to pour enormous amounts of time and effort into game development, and that means that I’ve missed certain things that I really should have been on top of for Alas. One such a thing is the PC release of Elliot Quest! You may recall Elliot Quest, […]

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New release: Valdis Story: Abyssal City

Remember back when I first wrote about side-scrolling action RPG Valdis Story: Abyssal City?  That sure was a long time ago, wasn’t it? Well, it just so happens that developers EndlessFluff Games went ahead and secretly released the game at some point between then and now! (I say “secretly” because I didn’t hear so much […]

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New release: Rogue Legacy

As was foretold, the sidescrolling genealogical action roguelike-like Rogue Legacy has now been released into the world. There’s a special release trailer up, quoting John Walker’s preview of the game from RockPaperShotgun (though there’s also a full review from the ever-eloquent Adam Smith up): You can buy Rogue Legacy for $15 direct from the developer […]

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New release: UnEpic

It’s come to my attention that there is a new side-scrolling aRPG by Spanish developer Francisco Téllez de Meneses out on Steam. UnEpic is inspired by Konami classic The Maze of Galious (which you may also know as the inspiration behind the legendarily difficult indie title La Mulana). You play as “Daniel, a normal guy […]

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New release: Swordigo

Back on March 22, developer TouchFoo released a side-scrolling platformer RPG by the name of Swordigo for the iPhone and iPad. Me, I just heard about it yesterday, so here I am sharing the news. Swordigo’s feature list is sort of generic, and the website says absolutely nothing about the game’s plot, so I’ll simply […]

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Game review: Ainevoltas 2

Title: Ainevoltas 2 Developer: Silvernova Platforms: Windows Price: Free Developed by Silvernova, Ainevoltas 2 has been described as a platformer-RPG. In reality, it plays more like a platformer with stats and floaty damage numbers than a proper RPG. Imagine Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, but minus the puzzles, loot, cool abilities, tight controls, and most […]

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