Posts Tagged ‘Spiderweb Software’

New release: Avadon 3: The Warborn

It seems the third and final chapter of Vogel’s Avadon wRPG trilogy–that being Avadon 3: The Warborn–is now out, less than a month after its initial announcement! The premise remains: You are a Hand of Avadon, the Black Fortress. You are a warrior and spy, judge and executioner, with nearly unlimited power to fight the […]

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Avadon 3 announced, gets release date

  Word reaches me that Jeff Vogel’s Avadon wRPG series is nearing completion, with the third and final chapter–Avadon 3: The Warborn–to release on September 14, 2016, nearly 3 years after the release of its predecessor. Here’s the premise: You are a Hand of Avadon, the Black Fortress. You are a warrior and spy, judge […]

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New release: Avernum 2: Crystal Souls

Word reaches me that Spiderweb Software has released a spiffied-up remake of the classic wRPG Avernum 2, titled Avernum 2: Crystal Souls. The narrative premise: The end has come. Years ago, your people were imprisoned in the underworld, doomed to end their lives in the darkness. Then that was not enough. Your captors have invaded […]

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New release: Avadon 2: The Corruption

As promised, Spiderweb Software‘s latest wRPG epic, Avadon 2, is now out for Mac OSX and Windows! The premise: You are an agent of Avadon. The Black Fortress. Your job is to protect your homeland from the limitless threats that surround it. Titans. Monsters. Barbarians. Fading, jealous empires. The warriors and spies of Avadon must […]

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Avadon 2 for Windows release date

I’ve been informed that Avadon 2 will get its Windows release on October 30th. Gird your loins, folks! (Want to get a taste of the game? Here’s me playing a beta build about a month ago.)

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In my hand Youtube account, I come bearing a new video: Checks Out Avadon 2! Specifically, we’ll be looking at an early version of the Windows port of the game. It’s still in beta, but this should give us a peek at what we’re in for: Jeff Vogel has been making these sorts of […]

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RPS interview with Jeff Vogel

RockPaperShotgun has a new interview up with Spiderweb Software‘s Jeff Vogel where he shares his latest experiences in development, talks about his development process, and talks about the advantages of Steam and frequent sales. RPS: Spiderweb has been going an for amazing twenty years, and clearly has a large following of dedicated fans. But from […]

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Avadon 2: The Corruption announced

So! Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb Software emailed me yesterday to announce that Avadon 2: The Corruption is in development, part of what is now the planned “Avadon Trilogy.” The premise: You are an agent of Avadon. The Black Fortress. Your job is to protect your homeland from the limitless threats that surround it. Titans and […]

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New release: Nethergate

Okay, this isn’t technically a new release: Nethergate Resurrection came out way back in 2008. However, Jeff Vogel wrote in to inform me that it was just recently released on Steam, and that is as good an excuse to finally post about Nethergate as any! Nethergate Resurrection is a bit of an oddity. It’s a […]

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New release: Avernum: Escape From the Pit

Jeff Vogel has written in to let me know that Avernum: Escape From the Pit has finally been released. (We last covered it this past July.) This game is actually a remake of the first Avernum, originally released as Exile: Escape From the Pit. The remake runs on the most up-to-date version of the Avernum […]

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