Posts Tagged ‘Spiderweb Software’

Avernum: Escape From the Pit Announced

Remember that remake of the original Avernum that Jeff Vogel talked about doing in my interview with him last month? Spiderweb Games has now sent out a press release today officially announcing the remake to everyone who hadn’t already read about it in the interview. It reads: Avernum: Escape From the Pit is an epic […]

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Avadon: The Black Fortress announced

Spiderweb Software posted a page for a new game slated for release in early 2011: You are a servant of Avadon. The Black Fortress. Your job is to protect the Pact, five nations that have banded together in a fragile alliance. The purpose of the Pact: To hold back the waves of invaders that seek […]

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Game review: Avernum 6

Title: Avernum 6 Developer: Spiderweb Software (Jeff Vogel) Platforms: Windows, Mac Price: $28 (plus $6 to purchase it on CD) I’ll start with a confession: Avernum 6 is the first Avernum game I’ve played. So I write with a fresh eye toward the thing, rather than seeing it as one in a series of gradually […]

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Avernum 6 released!

Jeff Vogel is, in his own words, “older than the stones and the dirt.” He’s been releasing indie RPGs since 1994, which makes him one of the great-grandaddies of the indie RPG scene. Vogel’s company, Spiderweb Software, just released the final chapter of his Avernum series, Avernum 6, on Friday.

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