Posts Tagged ‘Dancing Dragon’

New release: Echoes of Aetheria

Word reaches me that Dancing Dragon Games (behind the Deadly Sin series and Skyborn) has come out with a new jRPG called Echoes of Aetheria. (While the game apparently launched in November 2015, it only just came to Steam this past week.) Billed as a spiritual successor to Skyborn, the narrative premise is as follows: […]

Read the rest of this entry » Checks Out Skyborn

I was curious to see what Phil Hamilton had gotten up to with his latest release, Skyborn (previously covered here), and so I did what I often do in these circumstances: I went ahead and checked the game out while recording my first impressions. The result? See for yourself! In short: I found the first […]

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New release: Skyborn

While we’re on the subject of games that I should’ve posted about last year, Dancing Dragon (previously Deadly Sin Studios) came out with a really nice-looking jRPG called Skyborn last spring. (If “Deadly Sin Studios” sounds familiar, it might be because the developer is the same fellow behind the Deadly Sin series, one Phillip Hamilton–you […]

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