Posted in April 11, 2012 ¬ 7:20 amh.Craig Stern
So! I just did a humongous audio interview with DeadlyHabit of Vinesauce Vidyas about a wide array of subjects, including but not limited to: Telepath RPG: Servants of God politics in RPGs game development whether or not X-Com is an RPG which RPGs get covered on gaming blogs, and why. Fair warning: it’s really […]
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Posted in February 27, 2010 ¬ 6:44 pmh.Craig Stern
Welcome to, a new web site dedicated to indie computer RPGs! There are two reasons for this site to exist: Mainstream RPG websites fixate mostly on big studio releases; Indie games websites tend to ignore RPGs. Those two things, taken together, mean that the vast majority of indie RPGs get passed over for coverage. […]
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