Posts Tagged ‘new releases’

New release: QuestLord

Developer Lava Level has just released QuestLord, an iOS FPDC that reminds me quite a lot of Might and Magic 4-5, albeit with real-time combat and a single character in lieu of a party. Here’s the premise: In QuestLord you assume the role of a lone hero out to save the Shattered Realm from certain […]

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New release: Battleheart

In the course of my investigations into new(ish) indie RPGs I haven’t learned of yet, I’ve discovered Battleheart, a real-time squad-based RPG by Mika Mobile. This was released back in 2011, but hey: it’s new to me. In keeping with the recent trend, there’s not much of a plot to speak of–or if there is, […]

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Dungeon Lore released on Windows and Mac

Remember how I posted about Dungeon Lore’s release on iPad last week? It is now apparently out on Desura for Windows and Mac as well. You can nab it there for $4.99. (For more info on the game, check out my earlier write-up.)

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New release: Anodyne

Sean Hogan of Analgesic Productions tells me that Anodyne (the surreal Zelda-alike I last covered on Checks Out) has just been released! The premise: In Anodyne, you explore and fight your way through nature, urban and abstract themed areas in the human Young’s subconscious, evoked by a 16-bit-era visual style and a moody, dream-like […]

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New release: Dungeon Lore

Two-man studio 3D Attack announces the release of Dungeon Lore, a turn-based isometric RPG. The devs call it a “tactical RPG,” but you’re only ever in control of a single character, which (in my view) single-handedly disqualifies it from that subgenre designation. There doesn’t seem to be a narrative premise posted anywhere, so let’s have […]

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New release: Choice of Kung Fu

Last month, Choice of Games released another of its Choose-Your-Own-Adventure / RPG hybrids, this one martial arts themed. Written by novelist Alana Joli Abbott, Choice of Kung Fu takes place in a fantasy version of ancient China. The premise: Become the greatest fighter the world has ever known, harnessing the power of chi to manipulate […]

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New release: Deepfall Dungeon

Deepfall Dungeon is a free, 3D first person dungeon crawler that was apparently released back in November (but hey–it’s new to me). Created by LOD Games, Deepfall Dungeon doesn’t waste time pretending to have a plot: You have entered the dreaded Deepfall Dungeon and must find the exit! Along the way, you will fight monsters, […]

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New release: Heileen 3: New Horizons

Going through my Enormous Backlog o’ Emails, I spy something from the ever-prolific Winter Wolves: a dating sim by the name of Heileen 3: New Horizons! “A what?” I hear you say. “A dating sim? Cripes, man–this is supposed to be an RPG site!” Ah, but you see, dating sims are RPGs, technically. I mean, […]

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New release: Bit Dungeon

KintoGames recently released Bit Dungeon, a Zelda-style top-down dungeon crawler, on iPad–and that’s as good an excuse to write about it as any. (The original game was actually released back in September, but hey–it’s new to me.) The premise: You and your wife were captured by demons… You wake up trapped in a cell, grab […]

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New release: 8-Bit Adventures: The Forgotten Journey

Joshua Hallaran of Critical Games (creator of Path of Thanatos) writes in to announce the release of a new RPG maker jRPG, 8-Bit Adventures: The Forgotten Journey. Hallaran says the game has over 7 hours of play time, with an additional New Game plus mode containing “Greater Difficulty, New Equipment, Rewritten Dialogue, Alternate Graphics for […]

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